Policies and Resources
https://988lifeline.org/DISCLAIMERS: If you choose to view this website, you are agreeing to these conditions.
REGARDING THE WEBSITE: No health care service, psychotherapy, or professional counseling of any kind is given via this website. Information on the site should not be used in place of a call, visit or consultation with, or the advice of, a licensed healthcare or mental health professional. Please call or see a licensed healthcare or mental health professional for any healthcare- related questions or advice.
I cannot be responsible for any harm caused by your reliance on, or any use made of, information that I provide to you on the site. You must be 18 to use this website.
If you are experiencing an emergency, you should go to a hospital emergency room. If you cannot go a hospital emergency room, you should call 911 for emergency help.
Disclaimer Regarding Online Discussions
My online discussions with individuals are limited to education. The discussions are not mental health, medical or any other type of healthcare service. No diagnosis or treatment of, or advice regarding, any mental health or medical condition or illness is offered. Online discussions with me cannot substitute for, and are not an alternative to, mental health or medical diagnosis and treatment when a mental health or medical condition or illness is present. Individuals are advised to seek diagnosis, treatment and advice regarding mental conditions or illnesses from physicians and other licensed healthcare professionals.
REGARDING THE LINKS ON THE WEBSITE: The hypertext links or pointers to websites outside of www.meaningfulpsychservices.com are displayed for your convenience and go to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. I do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these outside sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
REGARDING EMAIL TO ME: You may email me for further information about the services I offer. If you choose to email me please understand that (1) Your email communications are not encrypted, (2) I cannot guarantee the security of email transmissions, (3) It is inadvisable to send me sensitive or private information by email, rather I suggest you use an alternative and more secure mean such as telephone call, (4) No evaluation or treatment is or will be offered by internet communication, (5) I accept but cannot assure you whether or when I will respond to email communications, and (6) If I do respond, there may be a delay, so do not use email for any urgent matters.
Good Faith Estimate:
You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.
Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.
Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.
Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises
Helpful Resources:
Suffolk County Psychological Association
American Psychological Association
National Association of School Psychologists
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
If you are in crisis:
24-hour hotline: 631-751-7500
Long Island Against Domestic Violence
24-hour hotline: 631-666-8833